Creating connection and discovery

Real-time, virtual experiences for people with mobility or health challenges

Images of hosts and participants on various LiveWalks.

LiveWalks’ mission is to reduce isolation by providing real-time, interactive virtual experiences for people with disability, limited mobility, health issues and caregivers.

Volunteer hosts from around the world bring people on adventures such as hiking the coast of British Columbia, exploring the urban streets of Toronto, London and Paris and on immersive experiences such as hiking, biking and canoeing.

Through LiveWalks, a Canadian non-profit, individuals with disability, illness and mobility limitations, as well as their caregivers, can make new connections and explore the world, virtually.

Picture of phone video conference showing pond and glodfish.


Everyone should have the opportunity to explore and connect with the world, regardless of their circumstances. Sign up to be the first to know about upcoming events.


As a LiveWalks volunteer, you can become a virtual experience guide, co-host events, or assist behind the scenes. Together, we can make a meaningful impact.


Virtual experiences open up the world.

LiveWalks partners with organizations, non-profits and others to provide tailored and engaging experiences for their members, clients, or residents.

Make a donation

Your contribution to LiveWalks will go directly to providing interactive, virtual experiences in real time for people with mobility, health challenges or living in isolation.

“I used to hike everywhere; thank you for taking me to the mountains again.”

 - LiveWalks participant

Explore — virtually — with LiveWalks

We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to explore and connect with the world, regardless of their circumstances. That's why we offer tours specifically designed for individuals facing disabilities, illness, mobility challenges, experiencing isolation, and caregivers. Example tours include:

  • Historic World War II USS destroyer Cassin Young at Boston National Parks-

  • Dinosaur forest Tokyo Japan

  • Phra Taen temple in Thailand, highlighting the tallest bridge statue in the world

  • Wildlife and scenery along the Don River Toronto

  • Florida Museum of Natural History